Boracay Shangri-La Resort & Spa Part 1

The first time I’ve heard about Boracay Shangrila was during my moonlighting stint in the island after I decided to work to earn some money right after I passed the licensure exams. During that time it was barely finished but there are already talks about how beautiful it is. 

Being a self-confessed travel junkie, there was this desire to experience this popular resort, and so i thought of applying for a clinic position in their hiring company in Cebu. However, my plans did not materialized when I decided to trade the island life for a more stable and productive (intellectually) practice in a hospital setting and that concluded my aspiration to experience boracay shangrila.

The first time I got to see the place was during my vacation on the island where a friend who works at the resort invited us to see the place. The invitation came pretty late since my friend texted me only the night before my departure in the island. But knowing how exclusive the resort was, and after seeing those beautiful photos and great reviews about the place, I thought it should be on my must-see place before I leave. So I decided to come early in the morning to have some extra time going around the resort and have my lunch there.

We took a tricyle from the main road in station 1 which brought us to the main entrance of the resort. Travel time is around 10-15 minutes since the road is uphill. From the main entrance, the resort van transported us to the main lobby of the resort. Along the way, the landscaping was perfect. 

You will pass through a hilly winding road with lush shrubs and coconut trees in the surrounding landscape that provided shade giving a feel of tropical paradise. On the horizon, you will see the tortoise waters that almost made me breathless. Right then and there, I knew I will like it there. But that was just only the beginning, the best is just about to come.

We finally arrived at the lobby of the resort. Before you can get into the check in area, you have to pass this Balinese inspired bridge surrounded by a pond with koi.

I spent my entire morning going around the vast perimeter of the resort, taking pictures, eating and relaxing by the pool. Then I realized how big the Shangrila Boracay was. We even have to use a golf cart to go around the resort. 

The resort was very Asian-inspired in architecture and made use of a lot woods and bamboos in its interiors and furnished with fixtures made from native materials which is very Filipino.

Thai, Indonesian and Southeast asian influences are also very present around the resort which were evident in the sculptors, carvings and decors around the hallways. 

You won’t also miss the presence of water. It's literally everywhere- from fountains to ponds, its found in every corner of the resort.

You may continue your tour in Part 2 of my post here... 

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